"Dyscalculia No More"

Your Resource for Making Math More Fun For Children

What is the Learning Disability Dyscalculia?

Have you noticed that your child does well in every subject (for the most part!) except for math? Are you noticing difficulties when they try to solve mathematical equations, or problems? Have you searched and tried everything you can to help your child do better? Have you spoken with your childs teacher and asked them to focus on certain topics to help your child? If your child is not doing very well in math and you’re afraid they’re not getting enough help in school keep reading.

What is the Learning Disability Dyscalculia?

dyscalculia-300x225Something you may not realize yet, is your child could be suffering from Dyscalculia. Dyscalculia is learning disability that causes learning problems with math, and symptoms can vary. If your child is not doing as good as they could be in math, it’s very possible they have dyscalculia. With the right help, and practice,soon your child will be doing better on their exams and grades.

Dyscalculia is not something you should take lightly. If your child is suffering from this dysfunction it is important you get them help fast. The last thing you want as a parent is for your child to experience set backs in the classroom and further on in life. Dyscalculia is not a disability that will go away on its own. Do not for one moment start to believe your child will soon outgrow it. That is not going to happen. Math anxiety will stick with them for the rest of their life, unless you do something about it right now. (You can take a quick dyscalculia test here.)

Math can be fun and it does not have to be confusing. Often in many classrooms there will be numerous children who will develop difficulties with math. The teacher is not going to delay the entire class to only help those few individuals. Your child needs help and they are not going to get it from their school. So it is going to be your job to get them that help outside of school and these tips are going to help.

Stop letting math get in the way of your child’s future. If you would like for them to begin doing better in school, now is the perfect time they start looking at math in a new easy and fun way. Let them use these fun math games to discover just how simple math really is. Your child deserves the best in everything. So let them do better in school by following these simple methods right away!

Written by Jennifer K